The character was designed in a futuristic setting, about 24 years from now, in which the government, military, and most companies have lost all ethical morality and now are free to pursue whatever endeavors modern currency can afford. The military now suffers from a low amount of applicants to join the military, which are needed in the ongoing war against terrorism. This has lead to riots from the general populace, protesting about illegal searches, military drafts and "disappearances" of family members, all to be used and reluctant soldiers. In order to silence the immediate protests, the military and several pharmaceutical companies have created "Z Soldiers", bodies of deceased soldiers outfitted with advanced weaponry and computerized brains in which they are remote controlled. They don't sleep, they don't eat, and they always follow orders.
Unit 44 is the 44th unit to fall into the "Z Company" (a speacial military regimin based enitrely on Z soldiers). Unit 44 was originally a victim of a grenade accident, which had blown off his lower body, right arm and most of his left arm. Unit 44 acts as a point guard for open urban warfare. Unit 44 was outfited with a tri-barrel, .44 calibur mingun, mechanized left that is used to reload the minigun arm, and all-terrain wheel transport.

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